Dressed in a reflective vest, wearing a bicycle helmet and armed with an orange Hot Wheels brand radar gun, he points and records the actual speed of passing traffic.
Landon also carries a flashlight with a built-in siren.
"When I saw it happening, I got the biggest kick out of it," said resident George Ayers, 61. "People were locking up their brakes when they saw him."
Many in the subdivision are frustrated that motorists tear through the neighborhood at 55 mph despite signs posting a 25 mph limit.
Officials said the city will install speed humps in the neighborhood if 70 percent of residents agree and are willing to put up half the money.
I applaud his actions. If people were doing 55mph in my 25mph neighborhood I would probably do something similar - its obvious the city has no interest in enforcement in that neighborhood. They want the residents to pony up half the cost for speed bumps to even consider them. Way to go for him.He knows there is a problem there in his neighborhood and he wants to do something positive about it.
Get the kid a led lightbar, some strobes, a dash light and a nice police charger, and that makes an amazing cop. (please don't let this comment offend you, it was a joke)